Legacy Code

Legacy Code
legacy-code-memes, technical-debt-memes, software-maintenance-memes, old-code-memes, don't-touch-it-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

Oh man, this hits WAY too close to home! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Those stacked books with "THESE BOOKS ARE HERE FOR AN ESSENTIAL STRUCTURAL PURPOSE. THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE." is basically legacy code in physical form! You know, that ancient codebase nobody understands but everyone's terrified to touch because the whole system might collapse? The code that's literally holding up your entire production environment but has zero documentation? Yeah, THAT code. Touch it and the entire company implodes! The perfect metaphor for why we're all stuck maintaining 20-year-old spaghetti code written by developers who left the company during the dot-com bubble!