
Google’s transformation from innovation leader to stapler-pincher

Google's transformation from innovation leader to stapler-pincher | engineer-memes, google-memes, email-memes, IT-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes |
engineer-memes, google-memes, email-memes, IT-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes |

[text] Growth By Innovation The idea that there could be a better way to handle email caught the attention of a Google engineer who thought it might be a good 20 percent time project. Google requires engineers to spend a day a week CUNCERERTERTEESRE unrelated to their day jobs. Millions of MMs later Gmail was born Growth By Hard Work Gdogles 20 time which brought you Gmail and AdSense is now as good as dead Google CEO says he hopes to make company 20 more efficient hints at potential cuts