
Am i too stupid for this or is ChatGPT just not good at humour?

Am i too stupid for this or is ChatGPT just not good at humour? | programming-memes, programmer-memes, program-memes, class-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes |
programming-memes, programmer-memes, program-memes, class-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes |

[text] R create the transscript of a programming meme Why do programmers always confuse Halloween and Christmas Because 3 P Oct 31 equals Dec 25. Transcript Programmer 1 Why do we always get Halloween and Christmas mixed up Programmer 2 dont know maybe its because Oct 31 equals Dec 25. Programmer 1 Oh see Programmer 2 Yeah its a classic programmer joke. Programmer 1 Haha guess that makes sense. Programmer 2 Yeah its just one of those things that we tend to remember. i dont get it 4 The joke is based on the fact that in many programming languages the date 9 P October 31 is represented as 1031 which can be shortened to 1031. Similarly December 25 is represented as 1225 which can be shortened to 1225. Therefore 1031 and 1225 are easily confused leading programmers to mix up Halloween and Christmas. Its a playful way of acknowledging the fact that programmers often have to work with numbers and dates and sometimes get them confused.