swing Memes

This is bad. But here you go (stolen from insta)

This is bad. But here you go (stolen from insta) | programmer-memes, program-memes, swing-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content programmerhumorio Follow Arduino Weather Forecaster Condition Arduino is wet Arduino is dry Arduino is warm white on top Can't see Arduino Swinging Arduino Ice on Arduino Arduino gone Forecast Rain Not Raining Sunny Snowing FOggY Windy Frost Tornado

Lorem Ipsum

loremIpsum | machine learning-memes, test-memes, machine-memes, data-memes, list-memes, facebook-memes, swing-memes, date-memes, ssl-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, train-memes, div-memes, mining-memes, twitter-memes, public-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content A Time-Series Analysis of my Girlfriends Mood Swings Dr. Chad Broman' 'Department of Applied Psychological Machine Leaming, Cranberry-Lemon University, Pittsburgh, PA. USA Abstract Despite recent advances in active listening, date night, and extended pillow talk; it is becoming increasingly more difficult to forecast Tiffany's mood. With more and more Playstation 5 exclusive games, it is becoming increasingly important to determine Tiffany's mood before purchasing a new game and playing online Co-op with the boys every evening for a week straight. This paper aims to determine the optimal forecast model of my girlfriend's drastically growing mood swings by comparing simple moving averages, to sextuple exponential smoothing and even an overly complicated Machine Learning model. Despite initial analysis showing non-stationarity and highly seasonal mood swings. the more simple models provided less riskier forecast predictions when planning a three day bender after Matt got divorced. Keywords: Relationships, Time Series Analysis, Forecast Modeling. Playstation 5 Exclusives 1. Introduction find her endlessly scrolling through reddit for memes. facebook or instagram for jealousy, and twitter to keep up on Traditional methods of determining whether Tiffany is in a all the public officials and celebrities she hates the most. good mood has produced wildly subjective results causing dangerous outcomes such as her taking three hours to 1.2 Purpose respond to a text, flaking on nettlix and chill plans or even most disastrously having to return a speed boat even though Ever since her best friends started having kids and she got it was a great deal and an even better investment. promoted to a stressful corporate position she was not trained Just asking her if she's okay is not enough anymore. The for. it has become exponentially difficult to olan around only reliable method is to develop. test. verify. and Tiffany's emotional highs and lows. This is becoming not implement an extensive forecasting model by analyzing only problematic but is a problem that needs to be solved historical Tiffany mood swing data. immediately. To dispel any misconceptions, it's not about

Elon Musk Falls For Matrix Terminal

elonMuskFallsForMatrixTerminal | computer-memes, engineer-memes, management-memes, random-memes, terminal-memes, security-memes, swing-memes, email-memes, monitor-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, twitter-memes, space-memes, manager-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Nov 18 Elon wyd genuinelv wish I could ses exolanation for how he was thinking his olans would work out really wanna know like. to what decree. Did he think people would acceo nis ultimatume Did ne gent neiv nink a would oniv Take Ike 300 people to keep Twitter running? was an intern at Spacex ears ago, back it when it was a much smaller company - after Elon got hair plugs. but before his cult of personality was in full swing. have some insight to otter here. Back when was at Space Fion was basicallv a child king. He was an important naurenead wno provided the company with the money. power, and PR, but he didn't have the knowledge or (frankly) maturity to handle day-to-day decision making and everyone knew that. He was surrounded by people whose job was, essentially, Ic manipulate him into making good decisions. Managing Elon was a huge part of the company culture. even , as a lowly intern. would hear people talking about it openly in meetinas. Poopie knew how to present Coas in a wav that wond resonate with insane demands. and they even knew how to "stage manage" parts of the physical office space so that it would appeal to Elon. The funniest example of stage management can remember is this dude on the T security team. He had a scrint running in a terminal on one of his monitors that would output random garbage, Matrix-style, so that it always looked like he was doing Important Computer Things to anyone who walked by his desk. Second funniest was all the office just to aive the appearance that they were working late People were willing to do that at Space because Elon was giving cared deeply about. the company also grew with and around Elon. There were lavers of management between individual emplovees and Elon, and those managers were experienced managers of Elon Again. I cannot stress enough how much of the company culture was oriented around managing this one guy. Twitter has neither of those thinas going for it. There is no compa culture or internal structure around the problem of managing Elon people actually take that man seriousiv and at face value. Worse. they re doing this little experiment anter this man has had decades of success at companies that dedicate significant resources to ororecino hemselves rom nim.and he stoo narcissistic to reaize n This post is long so I'll leave vou with my favorite Elon story. One day at work, got an all hands email telling me that it was Elons birthday and there was going to be a mandatory surprise party for him in the careteria. Presumably Elon also got this emall, but watever. we all marched down into the cafeteria, dimmed the lights. and waited. Elon was led out oy his secretary who he hadn't hired yet and made a big show of being fake surorised and touched that we were there. Then thev wheeled out the caKe OK. so. I want you to imagine the biggest penis cake vou've ever seen. Like the king ot novelty sex cakes. Only it's trosted white, and the balls have been frosted to look like fire and smoke. This was Elon's birthday "rocket" cake. For as long as I live, I will never forget the look on everyone's face in that dark room of mostly-male engineers - when he made a wish and a into The ria

Daily Mood swings

Daily Mood swings | tech-memes, swing-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Techbro Memes Techbromemes 5s I'm a god I'm a useless fucking piece of shit Programmers

Story of my life...

Story of my life... | swing-memes, manager-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

A poem about Git written in Git

A poem about Git written in Git | code-memes, command-memes, git-memes, github-memes, data-memes, swing-memes, release-memes, fork-memes, IT-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content : 302fbff (master, Git-Fu) craig552uk github.comcraig552ukgit-poem 088 460 Merge branch verse I 45d79a Git is such a mysterious tool. 235eb72 so many commands and options. I am an ignorant fool. cf0421e 2162171 I add. I commit. I merge, pull and push, 96483 evervthing else turns my mind to mush. 95cce2a c626c7 I use aliases that make me feel 1337. 7c523d4 but when I dance with this devil. I have two left feet 3858a4d 7fdc9aa Panic! Merge conflict! Lost in a diff avalanche! e55d811 My detached head is left swinging from a branch. 81ab047 Merge branch "verse 2' Ze0aa3d Enough is enough! This will not do. oboesed I wa learn the ways of the redo w master Git-rul 5f45879 Merge branch "verse 3' ff3738b I learn that a commit is a diff, with a little meta-data blbelcd it has a unique hash, so you can check it out later. 22695f Commits have parents and children, which form a great tree 933466 they branch apart and merge together. This is a repository 4010106 Changes in your code are added to the stage. fc62e6e This is Ner 6333249 4dbfOdd Once your changes are staged, and you are happy with what you wrote 322tch they can be committed as one. Be sure to write usetul bfe9d2d Merge branch 'verse 8fdd51f (HEAD) is a pointer to what you can currently see, b8ea50b you can checkout any part of your code base history 503c736 7e9475 (tag: is-a-label) for marking a commit 6tb4329 perhaps use them for releases, so you can quickly find it db2bcee 6645640 (git-branch) creates a fork in the commit tree abbSeb7 Use it to work on ideas, safe in your repository 8132162 13727d1 And remember that a branch (like a tag) is just a label on a commit 11b80a6 you can, if you want, very past y move it 3c8232e Merge branch 'verse 5' 0a7c44d Though if you do, you may have to push with --force 189168 but only then if the remote complains, of course. f89a742 Se331d6 To reuse a commit buried deep elsewhere. 90884f8 ( cherry-pick) can lift it out and apply it over here 70a5222 (git-stash) will keep uncommitted changes out the way, adle lc when you're ready, you can bring them back into play. a403313 621316d A detached head (with Git) is no cause for concern 43fb5a8 It's just a commit without core on to so I have learned) 1046347 Merge branch 'verse 6 3bde594 Now if you want to share your work you might just push and pray atolco but to fetch and rebase 1s much cleaner, sater, b627373 2196599 Fetch brings the commits from a remote repository a0l5s2 you should aim to organise your work with a neat history 9e01f86 b217484 Personally, I like to rebase first 473d10a this replays my commits on top of previous work dcoOba9 aedfd26 Then to make reading the history much easier and faster, merge. witn - -no-tt, this branch into 86a6a8 Merge branch "verse -7' 7c5cdc3 I have much more to learn before I become a Git Master, a2882ed But I'm confident I have the knowledge to avert repo disaster. f76208a 6be2800 If you struggle with Git, if you're sometime unsure what to do, fa60796 I hope these silly rhymes help you on your journey to Git Fu. 6bce092 Initial Commit

Ah yes, thank you tutorialspoint.com, exactly what I was looking for.

Ah yes, thank you tutorialspoint.com, exactly what I was looking for. | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, array-memes, c++-memes, matplotlib-memes, list-memes, swing-memes, c#-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content : Related Questions Answers How do I get a human-readable file size in bytes abbreviation using C? How can I get a file's size in C? How do you get the purest form of Cocaine? How do you get the font metrics in Java Swing? How do you get assembler output from CC source in gcc? How do you get a timestamp in JavaScript? How do you append to a file with Python? How do we get the size of a list in Python? a How do we specify the buffer size when opening a file in Python? How do we get size of a list in Python? How do you get the current figure number in Python's Matplotlib? How do you empty an array in C?

We can make a fortune out of this

We can make a fortune out of this | swing-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Arduino Weather Forecaster Condition Arduino is wet Arduino is dry Arduino is warm White on top Can't see Arduino Swinging Arduino Ice on Arduino Arduino gone Forecast Rain Not Raining Sunny Snowing Foggy Windy Frost Tornado

This is bad. But here you go (stolen from insta)

This is bad. But here you go (stolen from insta) | swing-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content programmerhumorjo Follow Arduino Weather Forecaster Condition Arduino is wet Arduino is dry Arduino is warm white on top Can't see Arduino Swinging Arduino Ice on Arduino Arduino gone Forecast Rain Not Raining Sunny Snowing FOggY Windy Frost Tornado ProarammerHumor.io

We can make a fortune out of this

We can make a fortune out of this | swing-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Arduino Weather Forecaster Condition Arduino is wet Arduino is dry Arduino is warm White on top Can't see Arduino Swinging Arduino Ice on Arduino Arduino gone Forecast Rain Not Raining Sunny Snowing FOggY Windy Frost Tornado

At least he has it memorized...

At least he has it memorized... | git-memes, rest-memes, swing-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, bot-memes, stream-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content FaaS and Furious by Forrest Brazeal I DIDN'T C'MON. ) PUSH! HEAR THE MAGIC WORDS SERIOUSLY? EVERY TiME? WE BOTH KNOW WHAT I WANT NOT UNLESS YOU SAY IT SIGH git push -- set-upstream origin sWingset A CLOUD GURU AAAND WE'RE OFF 2019 Forrest Brazeal forestbrazeal