Positioning Memes

Posts tagged with Positioning

Backend Construction Worker

Backend Construction Worker
Ah yes, the ancient backend developer technique of using CSS to physically position real-world objects. Someone actually wrote margin-left: -25px; to shove that air conditioner halfway through the wall instead of, you know, installing it properly. When your CSS skills are better than your home improvement skills, you just make everything a div and call it a day. Frontend devs would've at least added some box-shadow to make it look intentional.

But Someone Has To Work With Css All His Life

But Someone Has To Work With Css All His Life
Oh my goodness! Some mad genius actually used CSS to fix their hotel room's awkwardly placed air conditioner! ๐Ÿ˜‚ They literally applied margin-left: -25px; to push it away from the TV! When they say "CSS can position anything," they weren't kidding! This is what happens when frontend developers go on vacation but can't turn off their coding brain. The struggle is REAL - when all you have is a CSS hammer, everything looks like a div that needs positioning!

All Morning Trying To Fix Something In Css...

All Morning Trying To Fix Something In Css...
Oh my goodness, this building is EXACTLY what happens when you mess with CSS for too long! ๐Ÿ˜‚ You start with a perfectly normal design, then you add one more position: absolute and suddenly everything's hanging off the side of the page! It's like the architect said "I'll just add one more transform: rotate(15deg) " and then completely lost control. The windows are like those divs that refuse to align no matter how many !important flags you add. This is what happens when you skip the CSS framework and go full "I can totally build this from scratch" mode!