Merge conflict Memes

Posts tagged with Merge conflict

Hi Guys, Just Started Learning Git 4 Hours Ago. I Need Some Help Merging To Main Branch.

Hi Guys, Just Started Learning Git 4 Hours Ago. I Need Some Help Merging To Main Branch.
Ah, the Stockholm subway map - the perfect visual metaphor for what happens when you try to merge to main after just 4 hours of Git experience. That tangled mess of colored lines intersecting in chaotic ways? That's your branch history after you've discovered git rebase , git cherry-pick , and the dreaded git push --force all in the same afternoon. Trust me, kid. We've all been there. Your repo probably looks like someone dropped spaghetti on a circuit board. Just wait until you discover merge conflicts - that's when you'll really need this map to find the nearest bar.

That One Merge Conflict

That One Merge Conflict
Ah, the classic merge conflict in its natural habitat! When nature decides to implement its own version control system and the tree refuses to rebase. The metal grate tried to follow a nice, orderly pattern until this stubborn trunk came along with its own implementation. Now we've got this chaotic mess in the middle that nobody wants to resolve manually. Just like when Dave pushes directly to master at 4:59pm on Friday and ruins everyone's weekend. The tree's basically saying "I'm not moving my code for your architecture decisions" and honestly, I respect that level of commitment.

Everything Is Going Just Fine

Everything Is Going Just Fine
Oh the classic "everything is fine" developer energy! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Git asks how it's going while showing a MASSIVE merge conflict in src.ts that can't even be auto-resolved! And our hero just smiles and says "yea" with dead eyes because what else can you do when your Tuesday morning starts with "Resolve all conflicts manually" messages? This is peak developer dissociation - when your code is literally on fire but you've transcended to a higher plane of acceptance. We've all been there, staring at those red conflict markers while our soul leaves our body! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Its Just Scaffolding

Its Just Scaffolding
This meme perfectly captures that moment of pure dread when your "it's just scaffolding" PR turns into a code apocalypse. You confidently hand over your pull request to the senior engineer, only for them to discover you've somehow managed to change 741 files with nearly 100,000 additions and 44,000 deletions. That look of absolute horror on the senior dev's face is worth a thousand compiler errors! Next time maybe try explaining that you were "refactoring the architecture" instead of "accidentally committing the entire node_modules folder." The scaffolding excuse works about as well as "the dog ate my deployment keys."