indian Memes

Average Indian Youtubers Bed Time Story

averageIndianYoutubersBedTimeStory | indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content NOS

Most Popular Language

mostPopularLanguage | python-memes, language-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content You use Python because it's the most popular language I use Python because it's what that Indian guy on YouTube uses We are not the same

For Real

forReal | code-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, random-memes, git-memes, overflow-memes, reddit-memes, subreddit-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content DIGITAL BANGLADESI This subreddit An Indian guy from Youtube School Pressing random buttons on my keyboard Stack overflow My Friends Teaching me how to code Schoo

Saved me a ton of times

Saved me a ton of times | programming-memes, program-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content Indians that are scammers Indians that make programming tutorials on YouTube

There Ifixed It

thereIFixedIt | java-memes, design-memes, date-memes, fix-memes, indian-memes |
Content O'REILLY Anniversary Updated for Java 8 Head First, Design Patterns Grayscale Edition For Sale in the Indian Subcontinent Select Countries Only Later. Avoid those embarrassing coupling mistakes Learn why everything your friends know about Factory pattern is probably wrong Discover the secrets of the Patterns Guru Load the patterns that matter straight into your brain Find out how Starbuzz Coffee doubled their stock price with the Decorator pattern See why Jim's love life improved when he cut down his inheritance SPD Eric Freeman Elisabeth Robson with Kathy Sierra Bert Bates


cautiousprogrammer | programmer-memes, code-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, program-memes, overflow-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content My code Luck Online forums from 2008 Indian guys on YouTube Stack Overflow

Still Missing Chat Gpt

stillMissingChatGpt | code-memes, stack-memes, google-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |

Whats Your Bio

whatsYourBio | coding-memes, html-memes, software-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, design-memes, hacker-memes, ux-memes, engineering-memes, vim-memes, try-memes, assembly-memes, bug-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, global-memes, terminal-memes, excel-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, rest-memes, class-memes, parsing-memes, debug-memes, search-memes, jar-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, stream-memes, debugger-memes, language-memes, cs-memes, kernel-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content You: - fairly average software dev - claims not to be competitive, but secretly dreams of landing on the leaderboard at least once - uses a full IDE; wastes a minute right out the gate waiting for it to start - still parsing the problem statement while others are already submitting answers actually uses a debugger when things aren't working Your competition: "Hackerman" - IntoSec maior - sits at his PC on a near-lethal dose of Adderall waiting for the timer to hit 00:00 - has automated scripts for pulling the input and submitting solutions, and his own library of helper functions for every imaginable problem class - knows vour IP at all times "-mhtwalters" - research scientist at Intel - does puzzles for fun that are harder than any job you will ever have - so utterly bored with the problems that he creates increasingly ridiculous self-imposed restrictions to keep things interesting - solved last year exclusively in APL on a System360 emulator, and still finished 9th on the global leaderboard - personal homepage is HTML 2.0 compliant "wihbr" - software dev from undisclosed Eastern- European country, making 200kyr for a company you've never heard of - is in literally every coding competition -Twitch stream is just a Vim terminal and the sounds of a mechanical keyboard - types faster than you can read or think "Tharg" - Linux kernel hacker - specialization in compiler design - is golfing in some esoteric language nobody has ever heard of - can mentally transpile any code he sees to assembly - measures his solutions performance in actual clock cycles - overworked Chinese university student, double majoring in theoretical physics and chemical engineering - has been locked into various educational institutions since he was 3 years old - only time outside of school is for piano lessons - can literally only see the relevant parts of the problem statement - you will not understand his solutions without a PhD in discrete mathematics "Samir Nagheenanajar" - outsourced IT support technician - does puzzles because he has nothing better to do during - forced to solve in Excel because he isn't allowed to install other software - can reveal the face of God using only BA - rumored to possess the combined knowledge and power of all Indian educational YouTubers

Indian Guys Save Lives

indianGuysSaveLives | indian-memes |
Content My code Luck Online forums from 2008 Indian guys on YouTube Stack Overflow

Ty In Dian Yters

tyInDianYters | programmer-memes, program-memes, indian-memes |
Content YouTube Tm a self taught programmer I raised that boy ProgrammerHumor.

And Dont Tell Me Its Not True

andDontTellMeItsNotTrue | fix-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content Indian guy on youtube Isaac newton Jeff bezos people before exams beginners at code me every student on earth people trying to fix their phone

Saved me a ton of times

Saved me a ton of times | programming-memes, program-memes, indian-memes, youtube-memes |
Content Indians that are scammers Indians that make programming tutorials on YouTube Programmerhumor.