Funny Database Joke Memes


HADOUKEN! | server-memes, loc-memes, password-memes, function-memes, date-memes, email-memes, session-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |
Content function register if (lempty (POST)) ( Smsa 1f (S POSTI 'user name' 1) if (SPOST( 'userpasswordnew' 1) if (SPOBT 'userpasswordnew') wam SPOSTI 'userpasawordrepeat'1) ( if (atrien (POST( 'usorpasswordnew' )) 5) ( if (atrion (POST 'usernasso'1) 65 L6 atrlon(PPOST( 'usorname')) 1) ( 1f (pregmatch( (a-qd) (2,64)S1', SPOST(' username 1)) ( - readUser (SPOST('usernano' 1); 16 (lisset (Sumer ('username' 1)) ( 1f (9POST( 'useremail 1) ( If (atrion (POST('usoroma11' )) 65) ( 11 (filtervar (9POST ( 'useremail'), PILTER VALIDNTE EMAIL)) ( creatouser () 7 SESSION( 'mag' ) a 'You are nos a registered so please login': header ('Locations SSERVER( 'PHP SELP'1)) exit()) else Smag 'You must provido a valid email addross else Smag - 'Email must be leus than 64 charactors'; ) else Smog Small cannot be empty; ) elso Smog - 'Username already exieta', )olso mag 'Usornamo must be only a-2, 1-2, 0-9'; 018o Smsg Veername must be botwoon 2 and 64 charactors elso Sasg a PAssword most be at leaet 6 charactors: else Smag a 'Passworde do not match'; Empty Password 01so Smsg 'Empty Voername!) SESSION( mog' - Smeg; register form();

Comp sci professor website starter pack

Comp sci professor website starter pack | web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, trees-memes, jquery-memes, machine-memes, data-memes, facebook-memes, loops-memes, email-memes, oop-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, networks-memes, div-memes, neural network-memes, language-memes, ssh-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, public-memes |
Content This is a motherfucking website. And it's fucking pertect. Seriously, what the fuck else do you want? You probably build websit nome page is going to get you some tuCKing Awwward banner vou ca in glue to the top corner of your site. You think your 40-pound Query file and 83 polyfills give IE7 a bones Shit's lightweight and loads fast Fits on all vour shitty screens ooke the came in all vour shitty browsers The mothernicker's accessible to every asshole that visits vour site Shit's legible and gets vour tucking De ss it vou had one instead of must )mo Dics of minsters drinkmo cottee You. Are. Over-designing. Look at this shit. It's a motherfucking website. Why the fuck do you need to animate a fucking trendy-ass banner flag when I hover over that useless piece of shit? You spent hours on it and added 80 kilobvtes to vour fucking site. and some mothertucker jabbing at sep that chit but they don't see any You never knew it but this is vour perfect website Here It's fucking lightweight This entire page weighs less than the gradient-meshed facebook logo on your fucking Wordpress site. Did you seriously load 100kb of Query UI iust so vou could animate the fucking backeround color of a div? You loaded all 7 fontfaces of a shitty webfont iust so vou could say "Hi" at 100px height at the beginning of vour site! It's responsive You dumbose You thought von needed media queries to be reeponeive buteo Responsive meane the it sec to screensize it's viewed on This site doesn't care if vou're on an iMac or a motherfucking Tamagotchi It fucking works Look at this shit You can read ; Courses I'm Currently Teaching (1995) so vou and vour bitch-ass brows It has content on the fucking ser Fall 1995 me clel- come bebling button t ILS tags nd make CS101: How to literally use for-loops CSS89: You will seriously get rekt by this course dont take it Last edited: Sep. 29. 2016 Contact Information Phone: (333) 425-5253 Fax: (333) 888 - 3424 Email: iohn(at)universitv(dot)edu Office: Generic Hall. 415 M. N. Shamalavan Publications M. N. Shamalayan. "Combining Neural Networks With Natural Language Processine to Optimize the Hitler Problem." (ICSE-1998). M. N. Shamalayan. "Using Unguided Prim Trees to Solve the Matrix Mul- tiplication Problem" (ICSE-2000) M. N. Shamalavan. Using Large Dataset Combined with Support Vector Machine to Solve the Ice-Cream Optimization Problem. (ICSE-2002)

Plus history of human evolution

Plus history of human evolution | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, wordpress-memes, mysql-memes, react-memes, sql-memes, laravel-memes, mongodb-memes, mongo-memes, vue-memes, atom-memes, cs-memes |
Content When the employer wants you to have 6 yrs experience in Javascript, Python, Java, React, Vue, Laravel, Mongodb, Rails, MySQL, Greek History, Aerodynamics, human anatomy etc. just to manage their wordpress site.

Kid doesn't know it yet, but he is destined to be a programmer

Kid doesn't know it yet, but he is destined to be a programmer | programmer-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes |
Content C. Write these words in alphabetical order. 1. take acK: value use esI 2. royal I mean, you're not wrong.

Speed cameras + SQL?

Speed cameras + SQL? | sql-memes |
Content Good luck speed cameras. ZU 0666. 0. 0): DROP DATABASE TABLIS

My eureka moment

My eureka moment | software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, iphone-memes, engineering-memes, query-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |
Content jaeQuery cinderlenin "How I Became A Software Engineer In Six Months Without A CS Degree" has degree in electrical engineering or math 21:31 03 Aug 20 Twitter for iPhone 340 Retweets and comments 1,698 Likes 17 m

4chan on tech startups

4chan on tech startups | developer-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, art-memes, sublime text-memes, node-memes, node.js-memes, ruby on rails-memes, ruby-memes, mongodb-memes, internet-memes, mongo-memes, mac-memes, macbook-memes |
Content L Anonymous 122614(Fri) 19:51:11 No. 45793352 B 45793379 45794765 45794788 45796081 45799058 45800174 why the fuck start ups only want ruby on rails developers? Anonymous 122614(Fri)22:01:48 No. 45794867 45794890 45798725 45798760 45799182 45799190 45799231 45800065 It's hipster technology. They create an internet startup with Rails or Node.js on top of MongoDB. They have a io domain with a name that normally ends in -er but they removed the 'e'. They code in Sublime Text on their Macbooks while sitting in Starbucks. When people ask about their work they refer to themselves as a "code artisan".

shouting at the server to work

shouting at the server to work | programmer-memes, programmers-memes, program-memes, server-memes, sql-memes |
Content SQL programmers be like Caps Lock

Decided to make a classic meme

Decided to make a classic meme | git-memes, password-memes, class-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |

Most of the thread of T Mobile Austria‘s “super secure” password storing techniques

Most of the thread of T Mobile Austria‘s “super secure” password storing techniques | tech-memes, art-memes, data-memes, password-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, database-memes, fix-memes, qa-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, retweet-memes |
Content Safari a 17:37 1 Tweet Claudia Pellegrino cpellegrino 3d Does T-Mobile Austria in fact store customers' passwords in clear text tmobileat? PWTooStrong Telekomhilft SeloX SeloX AUT Replying to cpellegrino PWTooStrong and Telekomhilft Had the same issue with T-Mobile Austria. Apparently they are saving the password in clear because employees have access to them (you have tell them your password when you're taking to them on the phone... 94 17702 1,462 T-Mobile Austria tmobileat Replying to cpellegrino PWTooStrong and Telekomhilft Hello Claudia! The customer service agents see the first four characters of your password. We store the whole password, because you need it for the login for andrea 04042018, 07:29 453 Retweets 367 Likes 17 Claudia Pellegrino cpellegrino 2d Replying to tmobileat PWTooStrong and Telekomhilft Thanks for your reply Andrea! Storing cleartext passwords in a database is a naughty thing to do. plaintextoffenders.comfaqdevs What can we do to get your devs to fix that? 9 5 1797 M 1,564 T-Mobile Austria tmobileat 2d Hi cpellegrino, I really do not get why this is a problem. You have so many passwords for evey app, for every mail-account and so on. We secure all data very carefully, so there is not a thing to fear. Kthe 266 17307 M 266 EricM Korni22 1d Well, what if your infrastructure gets breached and everyone's password is published in plaintext to the whole wide world? 1761 M 1,288 T-Mobile Austria tmobileat 1d Korni22 What if this doesn't happen because our security is amazingly good? Kthe 369 17527 (644 1 Eric Korni22 1d Bad news for you Kthe, nobody's security is that good. No, not even yours. It's not that I say you are 100 getting hacked - what if an employee accesses the database directly? 1766 2,017 T-Mobile Austria tmobileat 1d Korni22 Excuse me? Do you have any idea how telecommunication companies work? Do you know anything about our systems? But I'm glad you have the time to share your view with us. Kathe 343 17214 M 267 EricM Korni22 1d Well, I do since I worked for deutschetelekom, but thanks for asking. 3 years of something that's called Ausbildung" a bit more as contractor. 94 1723 954 T-Mobile Austria tmobileat 1d Korni22 So, you never worked for us in Austria though. But thank you very much for sharing your opinion. Kthe 043 1719 M31 Tweet your reply

I like your funny words, magic man.

I like your funny words, magic man. | programming-memes, program-memes, rds-memes, edge-memes |
Content C and Python programmers arguing about what language should be learned first Me trying to learn C with no programming knowledge

I guess all programmers share the same opinion about managers' work - an example from Pluralsight course on C# Generics by Scott Allen

I guess all programmers share the same opinion about managers' work - an example from Pluralsight course on C# Generics by Scott Allen | programmer-memes, programmers-memes, program-memes, threading-memes, string-memes, class-memes, generics-memes, c#-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, console-memes |
Content Model.cs X Program.cs Querylt.Employee using System.Text; using System. Threading. Tasks; namespace QueryIt public class Person public string Name get; set; DoWorkO public class Employee : Person public int Id get; set; public virtual void DoWork() Console.WriteLine("Doing real work"); E public class Manager : Employee public override void DoWork() Console.WriteLine("Create a meeting");