
Light mode users, dark mode users; let us put our differences aside and unite against this:

Light mode users, dark mode users; let us put our differences aside and unite against this: | ios-memes, ubuntu-memes, bios-memes, ide-memes |
ios-memes, ubuntu-memes, bios-memes, ide-memes |


Edit Selection View Go RuTt bootloader.asm – Operating System WSL: Ubuntu-20.04 – Visual Studio Codi . Makefile VOPERATINGSYSTEMEIWSLSUBUNTUEZ0041 19bootloader asm X ai print he 9 bootloader asm mov bx, message loaded bootloader call printnewline mov bx, Oxaa55 call printhex16bit ES include "includeBIOSprint.asm" include "includeBIOS print hex.asm" message loaded bootloader times 510-(-) ‘Successfully Loaded Bootloader! OUTLINE