bios Memes

The $5 Hero We Ignore Until Disaster Strikes

The $5 Hero We Ignore Until Disaster Strikes
The AUDACITY of this tiny $5 speaker! There you are, lying in bed, completely BAFFLED why your precious computer won't work, while this smug little piece of hardware is DESPERATELY trying to communicate with you through its primitive language of beeps and boops! It's literally SCREAMING diagnostic codes at you while you stare blankly at the ceiling wondering if you should just throw the whole PC away. And then the MOMENT OF REVELATION hits you like a truck - "Oh wait, that annoying little speaker I never paid attention to was actually trying to SAVE MY LIFE this whole time?!" The betrayal you feel towards yourself is immeasurable.

My 85 year old grandfather who didn’t finish high school taught himself programming and Linux and woke up from his 7:30 pm bedtime to provide technical support to his dumb grandchild (me)

My 85 year old grandfather who didn’t finish high school taught himself programming and Linux and woke up from his 7:30 pm bedtime to provide technical support to his dumb grandchild (me) | programming-memes, tech-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, program-memes, ios-memes, windows-memes, rest-memes, ubuntu-memes, bios-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes |
Content 8:13 4 rimm. rean i'm seeing on Youture there is a way to erase it from the disk while installing Ubuntu. Is that how you did it? It should offer to intall ubuntu with a "dual boot" (side by side with windows) or to delete windows, but I would recomment that you do a dual boot. I'll check messages in the morning. good nite. Love you. okay, I'II see what I can figure out. Goodnight, love you too! 8:11 PM Just thought of why it's not working for you (I just had to get up and post this). The thumb drive that I gave is a boot-able drive. You'll have to find how to get pc to boot from the us. The setting is in the "Bios." Look up how access the Bios, usually by pressing one of the "F" keys while the pc is booting up (F2 maybe). Once this is done, insert the thumb drive in the us and start, or restart the pc I'll check in morning. Aa ProarammerHumor.ic

hardware failure?

hardware failure? | hardware-memes, ios-memes, bios-memes |

installing a BIOS

installing a BIOS | ios-memes, date-memes, bios-memes |
Content alcohol Mandac5 What is an extreme sport? allison amazaleax Installing a BIOS update while there's some icy storm across the province and have been numerous power outages

Your Models Suck

yourModelsSuck | computer-memes, computer science-memes, management-memes, google-memes, amazon-memes, try-memes, test-memes, data-memes, apple-memes, ios-memes, performance-memes, facebook-memes, perl-memes, search-memes, linkedin-memes, bios-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, data science-memes, cs-memes, comment-memes, interview-memes |
Content Tired of failing Data Science interviews for being a real Statistician, and not a CS tryhard Google 50 Yesterday Q 46 Comments I am a Statistician. I have a grad degree in Stats. Not a grad degree in Analytics or Physics or Computer Science, a grad degree in Stats. Biostats, Operations Research, and Econometrics are cool though. I build models properly. If you don't have a grad degree in Stats, your models suck. No two ways about it. There are dozens of things you don't know to test and control for, and your model is wildly inaccurate. Outside of CV and NLP, you are an absolute joke. You're a SWE? Good for you. But, that's a completely different skillset with little overlap. Akin to a Pharmacist performing surgery. I go to interviews with 'top' companies and get rejected for giving an answer that is too right. I explain it perfectly vs its alternatives and give all of the context needed. Then some SWE pretending to be a Statistician fails me because they don't know what I'm talking about, they want a crappy DL model because they don't have a clue. Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, Linked OpenAl, etc. All have failed me in DS interviews despite perfect performances. All filled with CS tryhards. Even the HFTs are infested with CS dweebs who don't have a clue about DS. Sigma was asking me SWE questions in a Quant interview ffs. Google is my only option, there is nowhere else for me to go to be a real Statistician, believe me I've tried. Sucks knowing when you hit your ceiling and there is no alternative. Half of the Google DSs are now a joke too, have weaseled their way into convincing morons that they know what they are talking about. Sadly, these are the ones that politic into management and hire those of their ilk into the ranks in order to build their empires.

I shall call upon Kami-sama

I shall call upon Kami-sama | ios-memes, bios-memes |
Content Atheists: I don't believe in God Also them when they are BIOS updating...

Why it doesn't surprise me anymore?

Why it doesn't surprise me anymore? | computer-memes, computing-memes, ios-memes, perl-memes, bios-memes, IT-memes |
Content System partition and boot partition From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "System partition" redirects here. Not to be confused with EFI system partition. "Boot partition" redirects here. Not to be confused with BIOS boot partition. The system partition and the boot partition (also known as the system volume and the boot volume) are computing terms for disk partitions of a hard disk drive or solid-state drive that must exist and be properly configured for a computer to operate. There are two different definitions for these terms: the common definition and the Microsoft definition.

Light mode users, dark mode users; let us put our differences aside and unite against this:

Light mode users, dark mode users; let us put our differences aside and unite against this: | ios-memes, ubuntu-memes, bios-memes, ide-memes |
Content Edit Selection View Go RuTt bootloader.asm - Operating System WSL: Ubuntu-20.04 - Visual Studio Codi . Makefile VOPERATINGSYSTEMEIWSLSUBUNTUEZ0041 19bootloader asm X ai print he 9 bootloader asm mov bx, message loaded bootloader call printnewline mov bx, Oxaa55 call printhex16bit ES include "includeBIOSprint.asm" include "includeBIOS print hex.asm" message loaded bootloader times 510-(-) 'Successfully Loaded Bootloader! OUTLINE

𝙆𝙚𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙀𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧... 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙁1 𝙩𝙤 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙚...

𝙆𝙚𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙀𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧... 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙁1 𝙩𝙤 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙚... | ios-memes, release-memes, bios-memes |
Content American Megatrends AMIBIOS (C)1996 American Megat Atlas-111 PCIISA BIOS Release 757018799 AMD-K6-2-300 Checking NURAM. 65536KB OK MAIT.. Keyboard Error Press F1 to Resume (C) American Megatrends Inc.: 51-0102-005757-00101111-071595-AMIS757-00000001-R Marker Quick Meas

I made this during my digital systems class

I made this during my digital systems class | program-memes, git-memes, ios-memes, class-memes, bios-memes |
Content -programmers programmers who program the programming software programmers who program the OS programmers who program the BIOS

What’s an extreme sport?

What’s an extreme sport? | ios-memes, date-memes, bios-memes |
Content alcohol Mandac5 What is an extreme sport? allison amazaleax Installing a BIOS update while there's some icy storm across the province and have been numerous power outages

TODO: clean TODO messages

TODO: clean TODO messages | git-memes, github-memes, ios-memes, date-memes, bios-memes, microsoft-memes, mac-memes |
Content Administrador de tareas Archivo Opciones Vista Procesos Rendimiento Historial de aplicaciones Inicio Usuarios Detalles Servicios X ltimo tiempo de BIOS: 8.6 segundos Nombre Anunciante Estado ELITE-M40 Monitor SPIRIT OF GAMER Habilitado EE EpicGamesLauncher Epic Games, Inc. Habilitado 17 GamingForce TODO: Company names Habilitado 8 Hamachi Client Application LogMeln Inc. B Java Update Scheduler Oracle Corporation Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation DE Realtek HD Audio Universal .... Realtek Semiconductor N Send to OneNote Tool Microsoft Corporation Skype Skype O Steam Client Bootstrapper Valve Corporation DE Update GitHub w Voicemod Voicemod El wallpaper32 f Windows Security notificati. Microsoft Corporation. (a) Menos detalles Deshabilitado Habilitado Deshabilitado Habilitado Deshabilitado Deshabilitado Habilitado Habilitado Deshabilitado Deshabilitado Habilitado. Impacto de ini... Medio Alto Alto Ninguno Medio Ninguno Bajo Ninguno Ninguno Alto Alto Ninguno Ninguno Medio Deshabilitar