When she looks through your phone but all she can find is fork a child and kill it - Google Search google.comsearch?clie.067j0203j0i20i263j0i22 kill child and fork parent - Google S... google.comsearch?clie...0.1... ...5.00713539j kill parent with fork - Google Search google.comsearch?clie.....1... ...0713513933116 kill parent without killing child - Goo... google.comsearch?clie...4589.0j32j1...0.1. kill child without killing grandchild - ... google.comsearch?clie5.0j3701.5.0j3 kill all children - Google Search google.comsearch?qki..hlen-bgclientsafari kill child with fork - Google Search condle.comsearch?a-ki hi-en-baclientsafari