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Can’t forget to use sudo forget

Can't forget to use sudo forget | rest-memes, oop-memes, sudo-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |
rest-memes, oop-memes, sudo-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |

[text] rJokes uGstyTsty 12h A genie granted me 2 out of my 3 wishes and my third wish was for him to forget he ever met me He replied with I am a genie and shall grant you 3 wishes ALY R Yy share . misterpickleman 10h think saw this same loophole exp… . StickFigureFan 8h It would be funny if you then made your 4th1st wish and the genie tried to fulfill it and nothing happened because the 3 wish rule isnt some genie based restriction but rather some wider magic system wide restriction. Reply YR g Terrin369 8h This is kinda how it was originally suppos… florinandrei 29m system wide restriction Okay. sudo forget a L AR