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Overly attached router

Overly attached router | react-memes, loc-memes, c-memes |
react-memes, loc-memes, c-memes |


this.requestSuccessful this. requestSuccessful.bind (this); this.requestFailed this. requestFailed.bind(this); 38 39 40 43 componentDidMount ( ) Check if user tries and leave this.context.router.setRouteLeaveHlook( this-props. route, this.routerWillLeave a React-Bootstrac – C fi i.giphy.com5Q8dz5RBbGhy.gif :: ApOs S M M B CSS Bootstrap if 0 OUTA Technology 19 r508d 46 48 routerwillLeave (nextLocation) YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME?? Are you sure you want to leave me? http:i.giphy.comr508dz5RBbGhy.gif return ‘Are you sure? The data in this form will be lost; 52 53 54 56 setupPageLabels () for (const a of questions) this.state.pages.push(q.title);