Content Virgin API Consumer JSON Fears HTML Limited to the what the API can do Has to identify himself even for read-only APIs API Provider takes away his endpoint data is 10 minutes behind 429 Too Many Requests Has to worry about quota Thinks that he is making his life easier begs his users for auth API keys has to verify his email, phone, driver's license, ssn, dna sample has to agree to Terms of Service and follow the the rules Tokens Chad third-party scraper follows no rules, doesn't agree to any terms of service Even Javascript can't stop him pays laborers to solve captchas ; Luminati BUSInesS DrOXV NeTWOrK doesn't even have a phone number scrapes so fast the backend crashes Se So Ramsab" can work anonymously has no limitations can access any data he wants parses HTML with regex MULLVAD entire industries are dedicated to stopping him 5 SMSPvA 2Captcha his business is profitable website thinks his user agent is a phone Can do whatever he wants Doesn't care about changes in policies millions of engineer hours, still can't stop him from scraping promising career at high-frequency trading firm (just scrapes in his spare time)