Meta hierarchy- suck drop the hammer hard

Meta hierarchy- suck drop the hammer hard | software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, data-memes, bot-memes, div-memes |
software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, data-memes, bot-memes, div-memes |


However, there are organizations where individual contributors are as much as 10 or 11 levels away from Zuck. Here's the actual, anonymized reporting chain of both a software engineer and a data engineer with Meta. Both examples are outliers in how deep they are, but they showcase how deep hierarchies can get: Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg cOO VP VP VP VF VP Director VF Director Director Director Director Engineering Manager Director Engineering Manager Data Manager Engineering Manager Data Manager Software Engineer Data Engineer 11-level deep reporting structures at Meta. Deeper reporting structures are more common in some of Meta's larger organizations. 11-deep chains are still outliers, thougn.

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