
coder | code-memes, tech-memes, coder-memes, google-memes, try-memes, fix-memes, IT-memes, wifi-memes |
code-memes, tech-memes, coder-memes, google-memes, try-memes, fix-memes, IT-memes, wifi-memes |


insanityOs 1h Last week my Dad had me run over to the neighbor's house and fix the printer. I literally just disconnected it from the wifi and reconnected it. 90 of being a "tech genius" is just being persistent and methodical; people just think that there's more to it, and they never try. 22 - - sme272 1h 90 of being a "tech genius" is just being persistent and methodical You spelled "Google" wrong 23 - -

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