We Callit C Fence

We Callit C Fence
c#-memes, programming-languages-memes, csharp-memes, microsoft-memes, programming-humor-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

Ah, the classic dad joke of programming languages! The meme plays on the pronunciation confusion between C# (C Sharp) and what it looks like visually (C with a hashtag). It's that moment when you've been staring at code for 12 hours straight and your brain starts making these connections.

Microsoft really missed a marketing opportunity here. They could've just embraced the confusion and called it "C Fence" or "C Waffle" and saved countless junior devs from embarrassing themselves in interviews.

The real tragedy? Some poor soul out there definitely called it "C Hashtag" during a job interview and is still having nightmares about it.

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