
Twitter is a gift that keeps on giving

Twitter is a gift that keeps on giving | computer-memes, tech-memes, date-memes, puppet-memes, twitter-memes, private-memes |
computer-memes, tech-memes, date-memes, puppet-memes, twitter-memes, private-memes |

[text] your 1 source for absurdist true crime 2 .. da NV Ve Musk fired everyone with access to the private key to their internal root CA and they can no longer run Puppet because the Puppet masters CA cert expired and they cant get a new one because no one has access. e LS your 1 source for absurdist true crime 2 … to translate for non techies 1. they put the keys to autoupdate the computers in a box 2. Musk fired everyone with the key to that box. BRI your 1 source for absurdist true crime 28 . a B