Should have just turned it off

Should have just turned it off | html-memes, web-memes, hacking-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |
html-memes, web-memes, hacking-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |


SeriouslySally WhySalSerious Hacking in movies is like: "Sir, come look at this! We're being hacked!" "Use an ipconfig counterattack! Cut access to the mainframe!" "-I can't Sir! His HTML! It's too powerful!" "..God help us all..." 10:18 PM Feb 13, 2023 Twitter Web App 186 Retweets 29 Ouote Tweets 3.7K Likes 17 1

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