Found this gem on Discord

Found this gem on Discord | python-memes, discord-memes, class-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes |
python-memes, discord-memes, class-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes |


1 Define the DriveBot class here! class DriveBot: def innit(self): self.motorspeed 6 self.direction 0 self.sensor range 0 5 90 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 robot 1 DriveBot() robot1.motorspeed 5 robot 1.direction 90 robot 1.sensor range 10 print(robot1.motorspeed) print (robot1.direction) print(robot1.sensorrange) Ethan Cloin 11082022 looks like you have a typo in your init method, currently it is too british for python to comprehend 2 2 1

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