Content 2 must ported mcaree to python on a maco o import math, random, time Print Th print "Hello, Welcome to McAfee for Python!" 5 scan rawinput ("Would you like me to scan your computer for viruses? ") if scan ! "yes": 8 print "I decided to check anyways" time.sleep (1) else: 10 11 12 13 print "Give me a moment" time.sleep (1) zuccses random. randint (1, 1000) if zuccses 990: print "Somebody bought to get laid off" 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 eLse: userdata rawinput("Sorry, you have a virus! Please input your SSN to continue ") print "You have entered", userdata, "as your ssn" confirm raw input("Press any key to agree to our privacy policy ") we dont have a privacy policy print "Come back within 5 minutes to see wheter or not your computer has been cleaned" finish 2 while finish ! 1: time.sleep (10) finish random. randint (1,4) print print "All Done, you computer has been cleared!"