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Well explained! ( by daniel stori )

Well explained! ( by daniel stori ) | linux-memes, ux-memes, threads-memes, sigkill-memes, sigterm-memes, kernel-memes |
linux-memes, ux-memes, threads-memes, sigkill-memes, sigterm-memes, kernel-memes |

[text] This 1s Bob. Like any process Bob Bob 1s a has his threads with Linux whom he shares context process. memories and love. And ike all processes inevitably somektime he will be killed. When we gracefully kil a process with a soft SIGTERM . …we give him …and say goodbye the chance to to each talk with his other. kids about 1t. So the Kkids Thats a Finish their process tasks. .. On the other hand when we brutally kil a process with a SIGKILL we prevent them from Finishing their Jjob and say goodbye. .. So please DONT use SIGKILL. Give the kids Dad where the chance to leave the ave You Dad where kernel n peace. are we 01ng 9 Be nice. Daniel Stori