STOP DOING MULTITHREADING PROGRAMMING WAS NOT MEANT TO BE SIMULTANEOUS YEARS OF CODING yet NO REAL-WORLD USE FOUND for doing things OUT OF ORDER Wanted to wait before doing something? We had a tool for that: It was called "DOING IT LATER" "Yes please give me await of something. Please give me Promise of it" - Statements dreamed up by evil wizards LOOK at what AAA game devs have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the DEVTOOLS IDES we built for them (This is REAL code, done by REAL programmers if keepGoing: func playCutscene (cutlame : Stri rundialog(cut else: yield value; value 1; playcut sceneAsync (cutName) ; await runDial func playcutsceneAsync (cutName ????? ??????? ????????????????? "Hello I would like LATER apples please" They have played us for absolute fools