
Thoughts?? | software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, iphone-memes, algorithm-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |
software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, iphone-memes, algorithm-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |


Thread first-mate prance bocxtop 15h idk man i've worked at taco bell and as a software engineer and the job that takes way more skill is not the one u would expect LOL 267 17 5,628 73.4K first-mate prance bocxtop making a quesarito during lunch rush is 10 harder than writing any sort of algorithm. service jobs are not "low skill" bro Imfao 9:06 PM 1422 Twitter for iPhone 741 Retweets 70 Quote Tweets 16K Likes

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