Boss: How is the italian guy doing? The italian guy he hired: Edefine PASTALAVISIA O; int main (void) goto Lasagna; Tagliatelle: goto Spaghetti; Lasagna: goto Fusilli; Spaghetti: return PASTA LA VISTA; Fusilli goto Tagliatelle;
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
Boss: How is the italian guy doing? The italian guy he hired: Edefine PASTALAVISIA O; int main (void) goto Lasagna; Tagliatelle: goto Spaghetti; Lasagna: goto Fusilli; Spaghetti: return PASTA LA VISTA; Fusilli goto Tagliatelle;