Content STOP USING ARRAYS LISTS WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE INDEXABLE YEARS OF INDEXING yet NO REAL-WORLD USE FOUND for accessing elements in any order other than FORWARD Wanted random access anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "PASSING BY REFERENCE" "Yes please give be the ZEROth item. Please give me the item WHOSE INDEX IS THE SIZE OF THE ARRAY MINUS ONE" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged LOOK at what Programmers have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the items contiguous memory we gave them (This is REAL Code, done by REAL Programmers): f (isArray (source) isString(source)) for (let i - 0, 1 - source. length; - renderItem(source i, i) const i queue. indexof (job) if (i flushIndex) queue.splice(i, 1) ????? ??????? ????????????????? "Hello I would like you to read this book one random page at a time please" They have played us for absolute fools