Please Welcome Memory Alloc Ai

pleaseWelcomeMemoryAllocAI | computer-memes, computer science-memes, development-memes, array-memes, loc-memes, function-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |
computer-memes, computer science-memes, development-memes, array-memes, loc-memes, function-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |


saad jumani 13h Brb. About to burn my computer science degree. Though malloc is a very useful function in c, it is not without its problems. The biggest is that it can be confusing for some to decide how much memory to allocate, needing complicated statements with sizeof. To solve this I propose a new alternative to malloc that utilizes the power of modern developments in Al, mallocPlusAI. The usage is simple. int x (int)mallocPlusAI("Enough memory to store up to 5 integers"); mallocPLusAI takes in a character array which is forwarded to a ChatGPT instance alongside an initial prompt "You are a memory allocator for a computer, and you need to tell me how many bytes of memory I would need to accomplish a certain task. Make sure to give your response as only a whole number of bytes, do not provide any other text. Here is what I request:" 676 Q57 (2 38 7 58 10h Truly the most E MC2 Al of all modern developments 254 Q2 y