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Negative Absolute Value?

Negative Absolute Value? | code-memes, java-memes, class-memes, date-memes, validation-memes, datetime-memes, IT-memes, framework-memes |
code-memes, java-memes, class-memes, date-memes, validation-memes, datetime-memes, IT-memes, framework-memes |

[text] Subtracting the Date in Java A This question may seem similar with othersu s code will retum the difference in days between two dates Jbut it doesnt return a negative number. Date currentdate calendar.getCurrentDate v Date referencedate calendar.getDate Tongmath fiath sbscurrentdate getTine referencedate geeTine3 Tong result math 7 24 60 60 1000 System.out.printlnresult n order to know if the current date s being subtracted from a past TE dafe. Flow 10 make this code retum a negative number as well OBS cantuse pate.after or any other method from java.util.Date because the framework m working with doesnt allow me to use those methods because it has ts own Date class java validation date datetime datepicker share edit asked 14 mins ago Rafa 116 6 have you tried giving a thought to use Joda which is a datetime library exclusively Satya 12 mins 4 1 wonder what Math.abs does… shmosel 12 mins ago