- 2 miscellaneous questions - Question 89 Hans Christian Andersen meets Pinocchio, and they chit-chat amicably. (NB. Hans Christian Andersen knows full well that Pinocchio's nose grows whenever he tells a lie, and that it doesn't whenever he tells the truth.) Pinocchio says: "Hum, my nose feels funny." He takes his handkerchief and sneezes into it. Without removing his handkerchief, he says: "Yup, it is growing.' Should Hans Christian Andersen believe Pinocchio? a Yes he should. No he should not. c One cannot say either way: it is a paradox. Ouestion 90 Facetiously, Mimer asks Sigbjorn the Fearless whether there exists a word in English that contains all of the vowels "a", "e", "j", "o", "u", and "y", in that order. Does there exist such a word in English? a Yes. CONSTANT VIGILANCE! No. c I cannot possibly know this, and furthermore this facetious question about reference is seriously out of scope for a first-year course on programming languages.