
My friends accurate description of programming

My friends accurate description of programming | programming-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |
programming-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |

[text] Let me tell you about programming It like giving directions to a baby that has the abilty to understand and implement what you are saying and telling it to do but none of the Iife experience to infer about what youe telling t. You cantjust say go get the shovel.If asked you that you would just go to the shed and grab it for me. With the programming baby you have to explain what a shovel is and where the shovel is and how the baby can get the shovel in order for the baby to be able to do anything. It will also do EXACTLY as you ask and nothing more. tell the baby that the shovel is in the shed and he goes in the shed and comes back emptyhanded because the shovel was leaning up on the outside of the shed. Imbecile