Content gIm::vec3 farthestStarPos glm::vec3(); Ifun fact, the words "further" and "farther" are often utilised interchangably by a very large majority of the population; but in reality, they slightly differ in meaning. the former has a formal definition of referring to distances which are figurative and purely 7 allegorical, whereas the latter is used to represent physical and 7 tangible distances, such as by means of space or time. surprisingly, 7 although these two words only appear to differentiate by a single letter, they both have separate timelines from which they evolved from - with "further" inheriting traits from the olden english and germanic words "furthor", "furthra" and "fyrthrian" during the midpoint of the middle ages, and also borrowing a slight resemblance? from the modern english word "forth" as in "to come forth and commit thine work" - not to be confused with "fourth", which is the 7 element denoted by the numeric digit 3 in a standard container such a as an array. by contrast, the word "farther" simply stems off the word "far" as we can easily recognise in our modern-day english language, which in turn stemmed from a git merge of the olden 7 english words of "feorp"; its dutch translation - "ver", as well as minor contributions from latin word "porro", which meant "forward", also during the late first millennium; during the 900's, a time period where the capability of :q! was not yet widely known by vim users auto balamant