Tweet freakyclown Freakyclown 17 Aug V finally get the password reset request actioned, phone representative tells me password will be posted to me.. ok weird but I accept. Today the post arrives and I shit you not it's my old password!!!! (I remembered it on sight) So they store the password and just posted me it!! 21 17 123 1.1K 1, freakyclown Freakyclown 17 Aug Honestly re-read that! virginmedia store your password in plain text and don't reset it but will POST it in the mail. Great job you utter idiots! securitymeansnothingtoyou 59 27 348 2.1K V Virgin Media virginmedia V Replying to Freakyclown Posting it to you is secure, as it's illegal to open someone else's mail. JGS 5:01 pm 17 Aug 2019 Lithium Tech. 1.4K Retweets 2.1K Likes