Is this painfully wrong or am I missing something?

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( : NORMAL HOROSCOPES NORMALHOROSCOPE YOU CAN RUN DOOM ON 16,039,018,500 CRABS Ethan Mollick emollick 23h Scientists have also successfully built logic gates by using swarms of soldier crabs. It takes about 80 to operate a logic gate, and there are 8 logic gates in a byte, so 640,000 crabs can be used to store a single tweet. Wh... Show this thread ust Soldier Crab Ball Gate ment of Earth and lanetary Sciences -8501, Japan 1 Adamatziy ventional Computing Centre tity of the West of Englan United Kingdom oldier crabs Mietyris guinotae exhibit pronounced swart warms of the crabs arc rid laboratory rabs can implement logical gates when placed in a peon trained

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