
I just started using Atom and glualint, when this popped up.

I just started using Atom and glualint, when this popped up. | loc-memes, string-memes, function-memes, atom-memes |
loc-memes, string-memes, function-memes, atom-memes |


58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 function meta: SGHDM GiveLoadout ( ) if not self: SGHDM IsKiller() then return end for k,v in ipairs (SGHDM() .Player .Persistent. Loadout) do local strwep self:SGHDM GetvalidLoadoutslot(k) local w string. Explode ("", strwep) for x.y in pairs(w) do if y and y ! " then if string.Startwith(y, "") then if string.Startwith(y, "FAS") then if self. FAS2 PickUpAttachment then self: FAS2 PickUpAttachment (string. sub (y,6), true) end end else 71 gluelint self:Give (y) Are you Egyptian? What’s with these fucking scope pyramids!? at line 68 col 42 in gamemodelsdmssonlyplayer.lua ProdrammerHumor io