I coded tictactoe in the shape of a tictactoe board!

I coded tictactoe in the shape of a tictactoe board! | code-memes, ios-memes, stream-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
code-memes, ios-memes, stream-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


include iostream using std:: cout ;int ;int i;;; i0;i9. " " "3nA" char 132 " In"; wO;; char p8 80;; char b9 using std::cin;int main i) bi 32: While (1) cout '1' "'" " "2 " ;for (10 ;i9; ;cout bal;if(i 8881) i);;; cout "" else if(132 )cout " In " ' "---n"char(i366)' ';else cout'';if (w) coutp' "Wins n";break;Jelsepp'X'?'0': 'X';)int x,y, t;docoutp "tu" 'p' "nn": char 1x, ly;;; cin 1x-65;yly-49;if (x0y3)t X;X 16; if x3)x -32 ;' while 1x ly;x y-16 ;yt (! (x00 8x 3 0 03 b x3y ));; W00 0;6 X3 yep ;;for (i-0;i9 i)if(bi 32) break;wb0 03y as p 8b 13ys pb 23y. b X3 0s pb x31 espb 32 b 0pb 4pb 8 b 2p6 4 b6p;if(i9) (cout"Its a drawn";break;cout"thanks for" 'p' "layi" "game :)"; jW- - '" '" cout '" "dley!";j; ;ij555 'n' 142; ;cout 'b' j505 jitt; 2020 '" "'" i9 1;; "made" "y "br" ji2 ;w3 iW 03 g' " my " w68; cout "In':: ' "'" '" 'n' ;int j9; 'a' "" "" ;it; return 0; 050; jji05 ;;