
Gotta burst your bubble, guys. We’re all getting replaced soon.

Gotta burst your bubble, guys. We're all getting replaced soon. | programming-memes, programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, try-memes, IT-memes |
programming-memes, programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, try-memes, IT-memes |

[text] . 15 Also unless you are higher up or in a more creative programming a lot of those positions will be Alin a few years…. EARTR J Reply Share NullSurplus 48 min. ago Nah thats not even close to true. Al is as close to taking over programming jobs as toddlers are. L XY G SIRETEYS .. Bre Awwwwww cute. Do you actually work in IT or an adjacent field They are being eliminated as we speak. Case and point my friend just narrowly saved her job by being promoted to senior level programmer and all entry level positions were replaced by their construction site based Al photo detection they all helped code. Sorry to burst your bubble. AR e ST