in ,

“Fucking around with Transformers” seems like apt title for my MA thesis.

"Fucking around with Transformers" seems like apt title for my MA thesis. | rest-memes |
rest-memes |


Doing normal science Heinz Baked Jeans MermanMelville kind of a bummer to have been born at the verv end of the Fuck Around century just to live the rest of my life in the Find Out century 6:54 PM 22221 – Twitter Web App 1.208 Retweets and comments 5,230 Likes Heinz Baked Jeans Merman.. 1h Replying to MermanMelville i’m not comforted at all by how many people with science jobs in their bio are retweeting this 179 0 218 1 Doing Machine Learning C haha lottery tickets go brrrrrrrr