Content Hey, Newby, if there's one piece of advice I can give you as a new coder, it's to be a doer, someone who gets things done It's often just a game of "Who has the biggest ego' Be a doer not o thinker, because the goal at the end of the day is to ship your code! Do you see? Get things done, it's my motto. Do you see? Don't you agree? Um, well actually.. Over my career I've met lots of developers who talk a lot but wno don't do much Instead of solving problems, they spend hours talking about how to solve the problem For example, have you ever wondered what really makes a 'Good Coder? For me, a good coder is one who just gets on with shipping code. without tolking too much mean if you don't agree with me we can talk about it later, but with my experience I would say that it really is the key to our business Don't talk, Shio