This meme perfectly captures the evolution of "epics" in software development with the classic "then vs now" format using the Doge meme. On the left side ("Epics then"), we see a muscular, heroic Doge dressed as a Greek warrior with a lengthy epic poem from Homer's Iliad - representing how epics used to be grand, detailed narratives with elaborate scope and planning. On the right side ("Epics now"), there's just a regular Doge with the simple request "plz add a button" - hilariously showing how modern software development "epics" have been watered down to sometimes include trivial tasks that hardly deserve such an important-sounding classification. This perfectly captures the frustration many developers feel when working with agile methodologies where the term "epic" (meant to represent a large body of work) is often misused for simple feature requests. It's also poking fun at how project management terminology gets diluted over time in real-world practice.