Story points Memes

Posts tagged with Story points

No Idea What I'm Estimating But Five Points Sounds Right

No Idea What I'm Estimating But Five Points Sounds Right
That face when the product owner describes a completely vague feature, you have zero clue how to implement it, but somehow everyone agrees it's a "5-point story." In Agile planning poker, story points are supposed to measure complexity, but they've become the universal "sounds complicated but not too complicated" metric. It's the software equivalent of answering "fine" when someone asks how you're doing while your code is silently burning in production. The best part? Next sprint, that innocent 5-pointer will mutate into a 13-point monster with seven undocumented dependencies and a legacy system integration nobody mentioned in the planning meeting.

Those Are Rookie Numbers

Those Are Rookie Numbers
Oh man, this is EXACTLY how sprint planning goes down! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Junior dev shows up all proud with their measly 3 story points while the senior dev is sitting there with a smirk, ready to absolutely demolish the sprint with a TWENTY-ONE POINTER task! ๐Ÿ’ช The Scrum Master's probably having a heart attack in the corner. "That's not how story points work!" Meanwhile Product Owner is frantically updating the burndown chart. Pure chaos! Every dev knows that feeling when you're about to drop the "actually this is way more complex than everyone thinks" bomb during estimation. Power move!

Story Points Refers To Complexity

Story Points Refers To Complexity
The eternal Agile standoff! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Project Manager: "Story points are for velocity tracking!" Developer: *politely* "Actually, they measure complexity..." What the dev REALLY wants to say: "I NEED ACTUAL DAYS BECAUSE YOU'RE SECRETLY USING MY 'COMPLEXITY POINTS' AS TIME ESTIMATES ANYWAY! It's like paying me in game tokens but expecting AAA production quality!" Every sprint planning ever. The facade crumbles. Truth bombs dropped. Awkward silence ensues.