Software-failure Memes

Posts tagged with Software-failure

Ok Who Forgot To Put 2025 In The Switch Statement

Ok Who Forgot To Put 2025 In The Switch Statement
Ah yes, the classic "let's handle years with a switch statement" approach. Some poor developer back in 1999 was like: switch(year) {   case 2020: // pandemic mode   case 2021: // still pandemic   case 2022: // recovery mode   case 2023: // normal-ish   case 2024: // election chaos   // TODO: add more years later   default: trainControl.panic(); } And then they quit, got promoted, or died before anyone remembered to add 2025. Twenty-five years after Y2K and we're still writing software like time is a finite concept. This is why we can't have nice things... or functioning trains, apparently.

When Your Company Name Becomes Your Bug Report

When Your Company Name Becomes Your Bug Report
The name finally makes sense! For those not in the cybersecurity loop, CrowdStrike is a major security company that recently caused a global IT meltdown with a faulty update. Their software literally "struck the crowd" of Windows machines worldwide, causing blue screens and boot failures across airports, banks, and businesses. The shocked Pikachu face perfectly captures that moment when your company name becomes an ironic self-fulfilling prophecy. Naming your security firm "CrowdStrike" and then accidentally striking down crowds of computers is like naming your boat "Unsinkable" right before an iceberg encounter.