Code golf Memes

Posts tagged with Code golf

The Elegant Art Of Overengineering

The Elegant Art Of Overengineering
Ah, the elegant art of being simultaneously clever and ridiculous. This Python function is the programming equivalent of using a sledgehammer to kill a fly—with style. Instead of the boring old num % 2 == 0 check that peasant programmers use, this galaxy-brain developer created a string "eovdden" and indexes into it using num % 2 as the position, followed by another 2 (which does absolutely nothing). The string is cleverly arranged so position 0 gives "even" and position 1 gives "odd" — making this the most unnecessarily complex even/odd checker in existence. It's like building a Rube Goldberg machine when a light switch would do. And those sunglasses emojis? They know exactly what they've done. Pure chaotic evil masquerading as code.

My Daily Code Wars Story

My Daily Code Wars Story
OH. MY. GOD. The AUDACITY of the universe! You spend HOURS crafting your magnificent refactoring masterpiece, shrinking your bloated 12-line monstrosity down to a svelte 4 lines. You're practically GLOWING with pride, ready to collect your genius badge... only to discover some code ninja already condensed the whole thing into a SINGLE LINE of pure wizardry! The crushing, soul-destroying realization that you're not the cleverest person in the room after all. Your entire identity as a developer is LITERALLY CRUMBLING before your eyes. Why even bother showing up tomorrow?

There Are 2 Types Of Programmers

There Are 2 Types Of Programmers
On the left: the verbose programmer who meticulously types out if(bool == false) with all those extra keystrokes, probably the same person who writes comments like "// increment i by 1" above i++ . On the right: the efficient programmer who uses if(!bool) because why waste precious milliseconds typing equality operators when the logical NOT operator does the exact same thing? This dev probably names variables like 'x' and finishes week-long projects in a day. Both snippets are functionally identical, but the right side just screams "I know what I'm doing and I value my wrist health."