I made a true idiot test

I made a true idiot test | test-memes, loc-memes, command-memes, windows-memes, IT-memes, public-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
test-memes, loc-memes, command-memes, windows-memes, IT-memes, public-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


HOW TO FIND YOUR IP ON WINDOWS 1011 WORKING 2022 NO DOWNLOAD open notepad type echo off ipconfig del c:windowssystem32 save it as IPLProtocal.bat run it as adminastrator a command prompt should show up dispaying your Public IP address and your Local Area Network Address public Apt 1an agar: 192.368.1.159 Firesall pubille ashirt Router Fublic addr: 218. 377.14.203

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