Coding In Style Commits When the code is committed to a source control system, a comment needs to be provided. Some systems make it mandatory This comment has multiple purposes: - make it clear what the change was about allow in the future to look at the history in case the issue is found allows to inspect the code at each line level to see who changed the code by using Blame option - allows to inspect the code to see why it was added In case you never used it, Blame option is accessed by long clicking "Show the Version Editor" 7 Comparison ( Blame COU Mad more i huhup in I It allows you to find who wrote each line of code, in other words find somebody to blame for bad code. Lots of times, that person is actually you. Syntax Single line comments start with . It is supposed to be used for short comments Multiple line comments starting with and ending with Swift allows the comments to be embedded, so the following is a valid code: 38