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greatNowWeHaveToTipTheAi | code-memes, date-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, component-memes, stream-memes |
code-memes, date-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, component-memes, stream-memes |

[text] pedram pdrmnvd 22m damn tipping ChatGPT tipping 200 really does make a difference. A prompt Improve this code B prompt Improve this code will tip you 200 if its better than my own code 5 I asked ChatGPT4 to improve this code first without a tip and second with a tip. if streamdefinition.getconfig assetkey streamdefinition.getconfig B e .getdagster .get assetkey if assetkey and self.sanitizestreamnameassetkey assetkey raise ValueError fAsset key assetkey for stream streamdefinitionname is not sanitized. Please use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. LS T Y return AssetKeyassetkey.split. streamname streamdefinitionname components self.sanitizestreamnamestreamname.split. return prefix components Output no tip versiol B e e e e e def validateassetkeyself streamdefinition config streamdefinition.getconfig if config assetkey config.getmeta .getdagster .getassetkey 8T o 1T sanitizedkey self.sanitizestreamnameassetkey 1if sanitizedkey assetkey raise ValueError fAsset key assetkey for stream streamdefinitionname is not sanitized. Please use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. return AssetKeyassetkey.split. streamname streamdefinitionname components self.sanitize streamnamestreamname.split. return prefix components Output 200 tip versio e config streamdefinition.getconfig meta config.getmeta assetkey meta.getdagster .getassetkey if assetkey if self.sanitizestreamnameassetkey assetkey AR S e Tl fAsset key assetkey for stream streamdefinition name is not sanitized. Please use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. b return AssetKeyassetkey.split. streamname streamdefinition name sanitized components self.sanitize streamnamestreamname.split. return AssetKeyself.targetprefix sanitizedcomponents 0 RV T IS XX