Chris Munns and 5 others liked Quincy Larson O ossia Apparently Parler just got pulled from the Google App store. Over at TheDonald they're teaching each other how to install the PWA version. I thought this exchange was funny. a 0 331 7 00 04 131305 090 How do I use it for Parier? It asks for a captcha when logging in but the captcha image doesn't show up when using the PWA ChynaBiden O points 2 hours ago 46 -6 1. not going to click on Communist Wikipedia; 2) why does that say "Progressive' in the description? Bunker-Aerospace? 13 points 2 Tours ago 13. 66 why does that say 'Progressive' in the description lol bistry 5 points 2 hours s0o 45700 That Progressive is a coding torm. 66 A progressive web application PWA is a type of application sottware delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices.