Content FindsOCache steamID! NULL Emiterror SPEW GC. "HOL FUCKING SHIT WE ARE DUPLICATING SO CACHES 183 n", steamID. Render): voidCPasstimeGunscAttackToutState.:Undateintheld.intpressedintreleased 39 this exists so don't have to do lors of confusind "if button pressed and m This is utterly fucking retarded. pBox-SetFgColor ( tanDark ), pBox-SetDefaultColor ( tanDark, pBox-GetBaColor () ); obox-secvepresseacolorcambarkobox-cecbacolor oBx-setselectedcolortanbark,obox-Getbacolor pBox-SetHighlightColor ( tanDark ) : break; case O STRING: ONUMBER: utf-8. I1 we want convert them to WCHAR explicitly 911 1 Keep moving the tongue to its dead position FIXME: This stunid alcorithm is recessary because I can't seem to cet reproduceable faise ". umt") ; MAX PATH, Strcat is being zee stupido. I prolly have to strip the other string or something float fiNewAltitude: dt gpGlobals-curtime - GetLastThink (): m flAltitude goalAltitude ) DeathNoticePlayer Killers IlDisplaylime; I Hem, we didn't link up to correct type!! Assert ( O Delete richt awav since iris fucked return trea B88 8328. 574 Don't delete right awa AddEFlags ( EFL KILIME I don't know why, I don't want to know why, I shouldn"t have to wonder why, but for whatever reason this stupid panel isn't laying out correctly unless we do this terribleness InvalidateLayout ( true ): m Contents-InvalidateLayout ( true, true ): GTFGCClientSystem () -SetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus ( false WriteControls (): m pContents-UpdateControls () : Panel pPvPRankPanel FindChildByName ( "RankPanel", true if ( pPvFRankPanel