Content Adam Karpiak AdamKarpiak nothing says "fast-paced" more than rejecting candidates before they apply 7:55 Software Development Manager, Prem... Amazon - Seattle, WA (On-site) realize these opportunities. a SE Basic Qualifications A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent combination of technical education and work experience 6 years of Software Development experience 24 years of experience as a development manager building and leading strong engineering teams Deep hands-on technical expertise in software design and development Experience with C, Java, or Java Script Solid software development background including design patterns, data structures, test driven development Excellent verbal and written communication skills Wana god a tum or or engineers Thank you for your interest in Amazon and taking the time to speak with us about your qualifications and interest in the position. However, unfortunately the team has decided not to move forward frther in the process. While it is company policy to not share any specific interview feedback but we can always restart the process in 6 months' time. I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your continued interest in the company. Amazon.cominon Equal Opportomy emproyer - Minority Women Disability Veteran Gender Identity Sexual Orientation Age. Preferred Qualifications Master's Degree in Computer Science or related field 54 vears of experience managina software Apply C Save 6:07 PM 2622 Twitter for iPhone