

atleastHeWriteComments | c++-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, ios-memes, stream-memes, comment-memes |
c++-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, ios-memes, stream-memes, comment-memes |

[text] L anguage C20 47 USLIE UIUEIEUDEL LIEENT ULLLypPE 1E331 1UU EELadyg U EEuluelLa 18 define allx beginx x.end 19 define eacha v forauto v 20 define printx cout x n 21 const int MOD 1e9 7 22 templatetypename A ostream operator ostream cout vectorA const v 0T W L y 23 templatetypenale I typename B ostream operator ostream cout palrA This comment is for you Naina I know youll see my solutions while upsolving I just wanted to apologise that I didnt wish you birthday at 12am since I was occupied with a hackathon PLEASE unblock me on whatsapp and instagram PLEASE int main iossyncwithstdiofalse cin.tie9 36 int cases EY 38 forcin cases cases 39