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Network communications 101

Network communications 101 | excel-memes, network-memes, ML-memes, tcp-memes |
excel-memes, network-memes, ML-memes, tcp-memes |

[text] Thread amkikbater and jijustjoshing Iamldribater B8 Aug 23rd 2017 3 937 AM in www Do you want to hear a joke about TCPIP Jkjustjoshing 5 months azo Yes Id like to hear a joke about TCPIP tamkirkbater B8 5 rmonih 220 Are you ready to hear the joke about TCPIP Ikjustjoshing s months ago 1am ready to hear the joke about TCPIP tamkirkbater B3 5 o o E Here is a joke about TCPIP. tamkirkbater B8 5 monih sz E Did you receive the joke about TCPIP Ikjustjoshing 5 months azo I have received the joke about TCPIP. tamkirkbater 3 5 mon Excellent. You have received the joke about TCPIP. Goodbye. g0